Saturday, September 11, 2004

Smoke On The Horizon

Been a rough week. It wasn't supposed to be this way, but hey, what's life without a little strife? I've already blogged about the Labor Day Weekend debacle so I won't go there, and those that are paying a little bit of attention will know that I've been on a pretty brutal slide the last few days. Today was no different. I knew I was in trouble when I started getting good hands cracked mercilously. Two pair? No good. Flush? Not in the two times I hit them. Top Pair top kicker was a recipe for disaster. I've started to get that bad feeling any time I get a hand. You know that feeling; you get a good hand and you just KNOW it's not going to win. I really REALLY don't want to start thinking that way because that leads right back into Weak/Tight. I know in my mind that this can't last forever, but at the rate I've been losing money, it doesn't HAVE to last forever.

Really the most frustrating part of sliding is I'm ready to move up in limits. I know I've got game to get out of the 50/1 Hell I'm in, but I just don't want to play beyond my bankroll. So, I wait until I hit $600. I don't know where I am right now. Yesterday I was down to $440 or so. At the beginning of the Labor Day weekend I was around $510. After today's debacle I have no idea how much damage was done, and I don't really WANT to know. Not yet, anyway.

So, the plan is as it always was... Keep plugging away. I certainly know I'm a winning player, and the hands I've been losing are +EV hands. If anything I need to be more aggressive when I have a hand. These guys at 50/1 won't fold for any amount so the only thing I can do is depend on probability and statistics to win. One think for certain, I've lost some pretty monsterous pots today, including one where I turn the nut flush only for someone to river the case 7 for four of a kind and a 32BB pot. 5 people in for a capped turn and a three bet river. That one hurt.

In other news, I picked up Doom3 the other day. In a word, excellent. I haven't had a game actually give me chills in a good long time. The presentation is downright creepy. Good stuff. A great way to vent the frustration of getting my ass handed to me at the poker tables too.


At 8:46 AM, Blogger The ICP said...

Use the flashlight!

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Maudie said...

Keep at it - you've got the right attitude. It *will* turn around and you'll be the one getting those monster pots.

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Andres Silva said...

Out of curisoity, do you think that you might be missing something regarding table texture and play since you multi-table? I can understand getting decent hands cracked (more than their fair share) but if you have been at a table for awhile and have a feel for what the players are playing/raising with, it may be easier to get away from hands where you're drawing dead.

On the 'getting away from it' front, mine has been Call of Duty, Battlefield 1942(DC), and Settlers of Catan.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger The ICP said...


That is a distinct possibility. It is harder to follow the action on multiple tables, and when I get into a dry run of cards I tend to get bored and start reading e-mail or blogs. That can't be helping with the table reading.

I think I'm going to start limiting myself on the hours at one sitting. If I find the desire to start diverting my attention from the tables, I'll have to log. I think I'm missing a lot by not paying close enough attention.

That being said, a review of my hands show that indeed I've just been quite unlucky lately, and since when I have a hand I jam the snot out of it, they end up being some pretty big pots sliding off in other directions...

At 12:14 PM, Blogger SirFWALGMan said...

Hey, at least you cannot be losing every hand. I watched you take down a nice pot with a flush the other day. Gave you the obligatory "Go ICP!". lol. Good luck. My game had a downturn this weekend too. I dropped a bunch of cash and decided to hang it up for the day. Hope it turns around for you in the next few days!


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